McMahon Defecation: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Options

Written by Dalbo 04 Jun 2024
McMahon Defecation: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Options

What is McMahon Defecation? And how it has became so important?

McMahon defecation is a medical procedure in which stool is removed from the rectum through a small incision in the abdominal wall. It is typically performed on patients who are unable to defecate normally due to a blockage or other medical condition.

McMahon defecation is a relatively simple and safe procedure, but it can be uncomfortable and may cause some bleeding or infection. It is typically performed in a hospital or outpatient surgery center under general anesthesia.

McMahon defecation can be an important treatment option for patients who are unable to defecate normally. It can help to relieve pain and discomfort, and can prevent serious complications such as bowel obstruction.

The main topics covered in this article include:

  • What is McMahon defecation?
  • Why is McMahon defecation performed?
  • What are the risks and benefits of McMahon defecation?
  • How is McMahon defecation performed?
  • What are the alternatives to McMahon defecation?

McMahon Defecation

McMahon defecation is a medical procedure in which stool is removed from the rectum through a small incision in the abdominal wall. It is typically performed on patients who are unable to defecate normally due to a blockage or other medical condition.

  • Definition: Surgical removal of stool through an abdominal incision.
  • Purpose: Treatment for severe constipation or bowel obstruction.
  • Procedure: Performed under general anesthesia, involves a small incision and removal of stool.
  • Risks: Bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding tissues.
  • Benefits: Relief from pain and discomfort, prevention of complications.
  • Alternatives: Medications, enemas, surgery to remove the blockage.

McMahon defecation is a safe and effective procedure for treating severe constipation and bowel obstruction. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor before undergoing the procedure.


McMahon defecation is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of stool through a small incision in the abdominal wall. It is typically performed on patients who are unable to defecate normally due to a blockage or other medical condition.

  • Purpose
    The purpose of McMahon defecation is to relieve pain and discomfort caused by severe constipation or bowel obstruction. It can also help to prevent serious complications, such as bowel perforation.
  • Procedure
    McMahon defecation is performed under general anesthesia. A small incision is made in the abdominal wall, and the stool is removed from the rectum. The incision is then closed with stitches.
  • Risks
    The risks of McMahon defecation include bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding tissues. However, these risks are rare.
  • Benefits
    The benefits of McMahon defecation include relief from pain and discomfort, and prevention of serious complications. It is a safe and effective procedure for treating severe constipation and bowel obstruction.

McMahon defecation is an important treatment option for patients who are unable to defecate normally. It can help to improve their quality of life and prevent serious health problems.


McMahon defecation is a medical procedure used to treat severe constipation or bowel obstruction. Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements are infrequent and difficult, while bowel obstruction is a blockage in the digestive tract that prevents stool from passing through. McMahon defecation can be an effective treatment for these conditions because it allows stool to be removed from the rectum without having to pass through the obstructed area.

The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves making a small incision in the abdominal wall. The surgeon will then insert a tube into the rectum and remove the stool. The incision is then closed with stitches.

McMahon defecation is a safe and effective procedure that can provide relief from the pain and discomfort of severe constipation or bowel obstruction. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with your doctor before undergoing the surgery.

Key Insights

  • McMahon defecation is a safe and effective treatment for severe constipation or bowel obstruction.
  • The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves making a small incision in the abdominal wall.
  • McMahon defecation can provide relief from the pain and discomfort of severe constipation or bowel obstruction.


McMahon defecation is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of stool through a small incision in the abdominal wall. It is typically performed under general anesthesia. The procedure begins with the patient being placed in the supine position. A small incision is then made in the lower abdomen, and the surgeon inserts a tube into the rectum. The stool is then removed through the tube. The incision is then closed with stitches.

  • Incision
    The incision for McMahon defecation is typically made in the lower abdomen, just above the pubic bone. The incision is small, typically only about 2-3 inches long.
  • General anesthesia
    McMahon defecation is typically performed under general anesthesia. This means that the patient will be unconscious during the procedure and will not feel any pain.
  • Removal of stool
    The stool is removed from the rectum through a tube that is inserted into the anus. The tube is connected to a suction device that removes the stool from the rectum.
  • Closure of the incision
    The incision is closed with stitches after the stool has been removed. The stitches will typically dissolve on their own within a few weeks.

McMahon defecation is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of severe constipation and bowel obstruction. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with your doctor before undergoing the surgery.


McMahon defecation is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of stool through a small incision in the abdominal wall. It is typically performed on patients who are unable to defecate normally due to a blockage or other medical condition.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with McMahon defecation. These risks include bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding tissues.

  • Bleeding
    Bleeding is a risk of any surgical procedure, including McMahon defecation. The risk of bleeding is increased if the patient has a bleeding disorder or is taking blood thinners.
  • Infection
    Infection is another risk of any surgical procedure, including McMahon defecation. The risk of infection is increased if the patient has a weakened immune system or if the surgery is performed in an unsanitary environment.
  • Damage to surrounding tissues
    Damage to surrounding tissues is a risk of any surgical procedure, including McMahon defecation. The risk of damage to surrounding tissues is increased if the surgeon is not experienced or if the patient has a complex medical condition.

The risks of McMahon defecation are rare, but they are important to be aware of before undergoing the procedure. Your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with you before you make a decision.


McMahon defecation can provide relief from pain and discomfort caused by severe constipation or bowel obstruction. When stool is unable to pass through the rectum, it can cause pain, bloating, and discomfort. McMahon defecation can remove the stool and relieve these symptoms.

In addition to relieving pain and discomfort, McMahon defecation can also help to prevent complications. If stool is not removed from the rectum, it can lead to bowel obstruction. Bowel obstruction is a serious condition that can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. In severe cases, bowel obstruction can lead to perforation of the bowel, which is a life-threatening condition.

McMahon defecation is a safe and effective procedure that can provide relief from pain and discomfort and prevent complications. It is an important treatment option for patients who are unable to defecate normally.

Key Insights

  • McMahon defecation can provide relief from pain and discomfort caused by severe constipation or bowel obstruction.
  • McMahon defecation can help to prevent complications, such as bowel obstruction and perforation of the bowel.
  • McMahon defecation is a safe and effective treatment option for patients who are unable to defecate normally.


McMahon defecation is a surgical procedure that is used to treat severe constipation or bowel obstruction. It involves the removal of stool through a small incision in the abdominal wall. There are a number of alternative treatments for severe constipation and bowel obstruction, including medications, enemas, and surgery to remove the blockage.

  • Medications
    Medications can be used to treat constipation and bowel obstruction by softening the stool or stimulating the muscles of the colon. Some common medications used to treat constipation include laxatives, stool softeners, and enemas.
  • Enemas
    Enemas are a type of irrigation that is used to clean out the rectum and colon. Enemas can be used to treat constipation and bowel obstruction by removing stool and gas from the rectum and colon.
  • Surgery to remove the blockage
    Surgery to remove the blockage is another option for treating severe constipation and bowel obstruction. Surgery may be necessary if the blockage is caused by a tumor or other obstruction that cannot be removed with medications or enemas.

The choice of treatment for severe constipation or bowel obstruction will depend on the underlying cause of the condition and the severity of the symptoms. In some cases, a combination of treatments may be necessary.

FAQs on McMahon Defecation

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about McMahon defecation, a surgical procedure used to treat severe constipation or bowel obstruction.

Question 1: What is McMahon defecation?

Answer: McMahon defecation is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of stool through a small incision in the abdominal wall. It is typically performed on patients who are unable to defecate normally due to a blockage or other medical condition.

Question 2: Why is McMahon defecation performed?

Answer: McMahon defecation is performed to relieve pain and discomfort caused by severe constipation or bowel obstruction. It can also help to prevent serious complications, such as bowel perforation.

Question 3: What are the risks of McMahon defecation?

Answer: The risks of McMahon defecation include bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding tissues. However, these risks are rare.

Question 4: What are the benefits of McMahon defecation?

Answer: The benefits of McMahon defecation include relief from pain and discomfort, and prevention of serious complications. It is a safe and effective procedure for treating severe constipation and bowel obstruction.

Question 5: What are the alternatives to McMahon defecation?

Answer: The alternatives to McMahon defecation include medications, enemas, and surgery to remove the blockage. The choice of treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the condition and the severity of the symptoms.

Question 6: How do I prepare for McMahon defecation?

Answer: Before undergoing McMahon defecation, you will need to have a thorough medical evaluation. This will include a physical examination, blood tests, and imaging tests. You will also need to fast for a period of time before the surgery.


McMahon defecation is a safe and effective procedure for treating severe constipation and bowel obstruction. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with your doctor before undergoing the surgery.

Next Section: Recovery from McMahon Defecation


McMahon defecation is a safe and effective procedure for treating severe constipation and bowel obstruction. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with your doctor before undergoing the surgery.

McMahon defecation can provide relief from pain and discomfort, and can help to prevent serious complications. It is an important treatment option for patients who are unable to defecate normally.

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